Being diagnosed with cancer can be psychologically traumatizing. Very often, patients may need to undergo surgery, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. The uncertain prognosis and not knowing whether treatment will be effective continues to create anxiety and add to the patient’s suffering. Besides learning to cope with a potentially terminal illness, patients go through psychological and social life changes which may need multidisciplinary input.
At The Pain Clinic, the patient is initially assessed by a doctor who identifies how the patient can benefit from the various therapies available. The diagnosis, prognosis and patient’s treatment is discussed and a plan is provided to help the patient with pain relief and improving quality of life. Alternative and complementary therapies which may help with physical, psychological and spiritual healing are discussed with the patient and integrated into the plan of action if the patient agrees.
Medical cannabis is very useful in patients with cancer as it helps with pain, anxiety and side effects from chemotherapy. It also helps to improve appetite and promote sleep, thus improving the patient’s quality of life.